Wednesday 3 May 2017

Documentary - Sequences and Actuality

Directing Documentaries

Documentarie's unlike popular belief are not filmed on the fly, they must be researched, planned and set up, almost everything is controlled from the locations filmed at and who is in the documentary to what the narrator says and his reactions.

Contol is important throughout all stages of the production.


Sequences are important as they further the story, similar to with the drama sequences are typically directed based on meticulous research to represent reality.

Use of close ups is key and keep an eye on continuity

Make sure thet are interesting and relevant.

Shoot sequences with a tripod if possible.

Contributors and Talent

Paid Talent can usually be directed in whatever way you creatively want, however when dealing with members of the public this may not be the case.

Be as transparent and honest as possible

Research should highlight potential actuality and relevant sequences which will tell the story in pictures.

Getting Coverage

Try to get as many options as possible for the edit

shoot different angles which can cut together for continuity

Try to get 3 close ups for every wide shot - break each shot into action and reaction shots to give good coverage


It is essential to shoot cutaways

Gvs are a great way to achieve this

These are generic shots which are relevant to the subject and location which can be placed anywhere in the edit.

Dont forget framing and composition

Continutiy of Mise-en-scene

Each shot should match the next

Position of the subject in the scene should look as similar as possible.

This includes costumes, props, lighting and colour

Match Action Edits

Cutting on action is the best way to give the illusion of continuity

cut whilst the action is in progress

editing between different sizes of the same shot demands matching the action

find the best entrance and exit points of a clip based on the action

this allows for continuty to be empasied.


This is essentially live filming, such as recording a subject making a sandwhich would be actuality this could be rehearsed and set up but sometimes events will only happen once, such as filming an event such as a music fesitval, this makes it difficult to film and edit, they are often shot hand held.

Be aware of the location and any problems that may arise from it.

Shooting Strategies

Letting the subject enter and leave the frame
apply the rules of sequencing by controlling what and how you shoot
film plenty or reaction shots
get cut aways GVs and establishing shots
only shoot what you need
plan use of sound kit carefully
always get wildtrack/buzz
Dicusss what you want prior to filming with your Camera OP but try not to interfere

Sequencing and Actuality is useful as it converys a better idea of real life, it engages the viewer and helps pace the interviews that most docs contain, it also gives cutting points to turn a 30 minute interview into a 5 minute one.

Visible or Invisble Director?

Reflexivity - the technique of exposing the filmamking process which distances itself from the personal authorship of making documentaries.

Self-Reflexivity - exposes not just the process of making film but also the author or narrators own views as they progress through their journey.

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