Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Commission: Documentary 06.03.17

Expectations - Email Blog URL

A mixture of theory, screenings, and Critique/discussion, student research and development, practical workshops, formative assessed work.

Visiting Professionals
Preparation is Key
Failing to Prepare is preparing to fail.

Helen worked in factual programmes within BBC

The Unit builds on skills and experience from the first stage

Broadly speaking a documentary is real stories, real people in real situations.

The challenge is to get access to all of these things.

 Show me don't tell me

Story Telling

As with all filmmaking, the story is at the heart of a good documentary film - Originality is Key

Must be able to answer WHY?

You need to carefully research, develop and construct your documentary to tell this story.

All Filmmaking contains similarities

The unit aims to

PRomote understanding of commissioned work and the synthesis of relevant siles
enable understanding of the ethical concerns in the impact of representation in documentary production
to facilitate research which supports develops your ideas sand storytelling
to support the development of relevant professional production

10-minute film must think who it is for

BARB viewing reports, trendspotting etc

Pitch as a group within your production teams and to each other as well as a panel, recieve development feedback from tutors and peers througout the process.

Assessment considers not just the final product but the preparation and development and exploration of the genre the individual input and work of team members.

Emphasis on research


Demonstrate ability to synthesise creative skills in response to brief
develop broadcast straegies for clients and audiences paying due refard to relevant ehtical concersn/representation
employ research methods
depolor managment and technical skills

125 hrs scheduled activity
175 hrs indepent activity

Individual Assessment - different people in groups

Contextual Research

REference material
Testing ideas
input into pitch
output from workshops and critcal reflections

1 Documentary filmmake rto explore in depth and informa nd inspire your own work.

1 Documtary TV programme to review, deconstruct and contextualise with reference to your own documentary.

Project Eval

Research to find solutions

2 entries per week
detail own work what you learn what you watch and read, your indicudal contributions.

Assessment will include
Workshop materails
final film and all development work and associated work.


by end of week 10 ideas lab work & Pitches uploaded

BBC 3 Online

difficult subjects centered around a young person

Health and wellbeing
family and relationships
science and technology - limbs - prosthetics
wildlife enviroment
community and social affairs
music arts culture

Treatment - What format, style and storytelling mechanisms you will adopt

interviews alone will not be enough.

shooting sequences, set ups, GVs and actuality


Contributors and Locations must be aware and agree to Youtube Broadcast

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