Monday, 1 October 2018

18/09/18 - 3rd Year Briefing

Research and Independent Learning will be vital

Peer to Peer Support
Self governing time and organisation
Self made Deadlines

(Talk to Simon about schemes to help me)

Set a google calendar for the deadlines and what work I want to get done.
Plan time effectively, equal time on dissertation and pre-production, last minute cramming doesn't work on these units

Time will go quick
What do I want from my final year
A degree
A job

Focus on first term is pre production and Dissertation
Transmission -
Getting my CV Ready
Portfolio/showreel/social media
networking/job searching
Setting up a company

Organising Degree Screening

Use the proposal as my starting point
8,000 Words
3 Tutorials prior to draft hand-in
Draft Hand in November 27th 2018
1 Draft feedback tutorial in final week of term
Dissertation Final Submission: Jan 25th 2019

Year 3 Creative Projects
Select a CREATIVE Skill set I want to pursue
Focusing my skills and interests
Specialise in one skill set and one piece of media

Self Direted
Individual or small group based
2 distinct choices
Tutorial and Seminar Support
Pre Production Submission Dec 11 2018 10 AM

Major Project
Concept Project - Allowing you to think big, aimed at communicating your idea to a potential broadcast commisioner.
Concept can be anything
Aimed at competing with what is currently on television
Package can be made of a variety of elements - pitch, script,casting, production design, trailer, camera tests, etc.
Working alone or in a small group
Normal collaboration rules apply

Major Project Pre Production
Do the same as above execpt it will be made, it would be expected to be a very detailed plan.


Arch Roomies?
5 Episodes?

External Collaboration

Cast/Music/Presenters/Actors/Production/Costume Design/Special Effects

Knowledge of:
the creative pre-production process and theory, and roles for advanced moving image production

Understanding through application of: Advanced creative methodologies specific to the chosen role and project

Understanding through application of: Advanced creative project management and publication skills

Dissertation Workshop - 20/09/18


A1 - To enable you to undertake focused and sustained research into individually negotiated subject area

A2 - To provide an opportunity for you to demonstrate an understanding of the historical theoretical or critical concerns of your subject area through interpretation, reflection, analysis and evaluation.

A3 - To enable you to produce a clear and sustained written argument, supported by appropriate evidence, that conforms to academic conventions.

Learning outcomes

Lo1 Demonstrate an application of appropriate research methods in the identification and understanding of broad contexts and specific practices

Demonstrate abilities of interpretation , reflection, analysis.

Dissertation Structure

Intro - Sets up and prepares the Reader:
Introduce And explain the main focus and aim/question - What is my question and why am I asking it?
Clarify Areas of research your dissertation - Show the reports and studies I have looked at and why
(EG the focus and aim of each chapter)
A Brief overview of the discussion order of your dissertation chapter by chapter - A Overview of how I will make my arguments
Sometimes it's good the write the intro near the end, start writing the chapters before the intro.

Chapter one
Definitions of terms used in the question - Talk about what I mean by the question
Basic theory - Talk about the theories I will use in my arguements and also explain VR so the reader understands terminology
Background info and or historical ideas or contexts - See Above

Chapter two
Utilises and builds on info from chapter one
Application of theories, current discussions/contexts
Any info and ideas that need to be discussed before the question can be fully answered or the aim fully achieved in the final chapter.

Chapter three
Where the question is fully answered or the aim fully realised.


Ends on the very last, final response on the discussion
Reiterate the aim of your dissertation reminding the reader of any questions you were intending to answer

Highlight you key findings chapter by chapter and how they relate to each other in light of your aims

Discuss your response to your findings and any answers/conclusions drawn to you aims/questions.

8000 Words

Intro 10% (800)
Chapter 1 2,150
Chapter 2 2,150
Chapter 3 2,150

Each chapter should average 12 paragraphs

180 words per paragraph
Each paragraph makes a particular point
Listed in logical order
That you have identified the info/evidence you will be analysing for each step of your discussion with the source referenced

That you have stated to write your paragraphs in order in which you have planned. Ensure that one leads to the next

Conclusion (800 Words)

To Prepare for 1st tutorial

Work on your plan for “
Your topic, its intellectual context and how your question approaches it.
Create and review your liste of research material?
The key authors and a sentence of the way you wish to use their ideas
The moving image sequences you wish to relate to this research
Your methods of analysis
An initial plan for draft chapter 1

To prepare for 2nd Tutorial

Week 1 - Read your research material
Week 2 - Read your research material and write up a draft for chapter 1 - 2,150 words (500 words a day)
Week 3 - Finish chapter one which will help you plan for chapter two

To Prepare for 3rd Tutorial

Week 1 - Research and write notes for chapter 2
Week 2 - write up a draft for chapter 2 (2,150) and write up the skeleton intro (200)
Week 3 - Make amendments to draft chapter 1

To prepare for draft Hand in (27th Nov)

Make amendments to draft chapter 2/research chapter 3
Research and write a draft for  chapter 3 (2150) and a skeleton conclusion if you wish

The Dissertation draft should consist of a full typed version (it might to be edited or there may be unresolved problems and areas the need further work) but it should represent

Title Page

Title of Dissertation
Your Name
Month and Year of submission
First Language
Number of words